Distribution Partner
With 15 years of experience in importing and distributing products in Vietnam, Nhat Lam has 3 main distribution channels: GT channel (traditional channel), MT channel (Supermarket channel, convenience stores), Horeca Channel (Restaurants, hotels, coffee shops).
With these three channels, Nhat Lam has a distribution system covering 63 provinces and cities, with a system of about 2000 supermarkets and convenience stores, 50,000 retail points, thousands of hotels, restaurants and coffee shops.
As for MT channel, Nhat Lam's products are available at Vinmart, Vinmart +, Big C, Mega Market, Auchan, Coopmart, Aeonmall, Lotte, Lan Chi Mart, Shop & Go, T-mart, etc.
With Horeca channel, we have been serving air meals for VietnamAirlines, Samsung company; providing mixing materials for the chain of Cong Cafe, Highlands Coffee, Kafa Coffee, Aha Cafe Ngoc Thach desserts, Tocotoco milk tea, etc. In addition, Nhat Lam's products are being served at restaurants in VinPearl, SunGroup, FLC Group, Asean Resort & Spa, Ninh Binh Hidden Charm Hotel & Resort, Flamingo Dai Lai, etc.
School systems such as St Paul American School Hanoi, Just Kids, Chu Van An Secondary School, Red Moon Kindergarten, Lomonoxop school system, etc. are also using fresh milk, milk scum, cheese, yogurt from Nhat Lam.